Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 2DN

01582 591386

Warden Hill Junior School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Family Learning


Throughout the course of the year we host various family learning workshops and information sessions.  We cover aspects of the new curriculum and explain the methods used in teaching and learning.  We hope that sharing this information with parents will enable effective support for children's learning at home. 


Love Learning about Money with Kids

Join us for an exciting 5 week family learning programme for WHJS parents and carers so that you can help your children understand about money through fun activities which you can do at home with them.  Help your family become money savy together. The first session will be held Thursday 9th June at 9.30 am.

For further details, or to reserve a place, please contact Mrs Hughes in school.

Internet Safety Parent Session

We hold annual sessions for parents to attend on e-safety for Many parents find this a useful way of helping to keep your children safe.  If you would like to look at our help section please click here.

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*These images were taken before any Public Health restrictions were imposed*

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