Family Support
Our Family Worker, Miss Williams, holds an important role working alongside our children and their families. She is able to provide support and guidance to both child and parent. Miss Williams runs clubs and workshops which allow the children to gain new life skills, improved social skills and above all else a new found confidence. Mrs Williams also encourages and welcomes family members to come into school to share their skills with our children.
If you feel your family could benefit from some friendly help and advice, or you have an issue you are not sure how to tackle, please think about asking our family worker for her support. You can contact her via the school telephone number, face to face on the playground or via our online form. If you would like to use the online option please click here.
If you have concerns about a situation or a child's well-being out of school hours please visit our Additional Support Agencies section.
Have you read our Help with the Cost of Living Guide? Click on the link to view online.
Early Help Offer
At Warden Hill Junior School, we believe that early intervention and support for children and families is key in identifying emerging needs and enabling access to support strategies, groups and services. This early intervention can reduce the need to escalate children or families to Social Care. We work with a variety of organisations both statutory and voluntary.
Operation Encompass
We are proud to inform you that the school is part of a jointly run scheme between Luton Council, Bedfordshire Police and our School, called ‘Operation Encompass’. Click on this link to find out more.