Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 2DN

01582 591386

Warden Hill Junior School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Dinner Arrangements

 At Warden Hill Juniors we believe that children work, play and are happier when they have a healthy diet. 

All our meals offer excellent choice, freshness and quality ingredients to fulfil this aim. Meals are prepared by well qualified, helpful and friendly staff to help make lunchtimes an enjoyable and nurturing part of the school day. Relish offer a great choice of freshly cooked main meals, a packed lunch option and a range of desserts which includes fresh fruit, all of which are prepared on site each day. This is supplemented by an HFA accredited halal option to help parents make informed choices about the children’s lunch.

We have a system whereby children can select their menu choice each morning during registration times. These details are then passed to the kitchen so everyone can have their own selection.  

School meals currently cost £2.65 per day
(Your SCOPay account must be in credit prior to a lunch being given)

All children eat their lunch in the hall, and both school dinners and packed lunches are looked after by our team of midday supervisors.


Do you think you could be eligible for Free School Meals?  Please click here to find out more. 


Lunch Menus

Our kitchen provide traditional style menus and the occasional themed day menu.  These three menus below, rotate on a weekly basis. Please click on a date to take a look at the menu for that week.

Autumn Term 2024
Week 1 
Week 2 Week 3

(24/02, 17/03)

(03/03/, 24/03) (10/03, 31/03)


SCOPay Cashless Catering System


Each child has an electronic account which parents/carers must 'top up' to pay for the dinners. No cash is accepted by the kitchen for payment of dinners. Parents/carers of new starters will receive a letter from our school kitchen, containing details for registration during their child's first week in our school. These will be sent home with the children.  The account must be activated for children to be given a school dinner and a payment made on the account before your child can use the school kitchen service. Please be reassured that children will not go hungry during the registration process, meals will be provided and added to your account later. Once the first week has passed you will need to pay before the dinner is issued. It is advised that you register for your account even if your child has a packed lunch, for those odd occasions where a dinner may be required.

Late Payments

Please do endeavour to keep your child’s account up to date and in credit for school meals as the kitchen are instructed not to allow accounts to go into debt.  At least three reminder letters regarding any debts are sent to families when accounts are overdrawn before the kitchen stop providing meals. School will also try to contact parents by our ParentMail system and telephone calls home but the onus lies with families to ensure that their account remains in credit.

How does the system work?

As a parent/carer, you will be allocated and account for your child and issued with a barcoded letter.  If your child receives Universal Infant Free School Meals or Free School Meals, you are still encouraged to register online to keep track of your child's daily meal uptake, though you will not be required to make any payment.  

There are various ways to make a payment such as:

  • Online - using a debit card via internet payment service
  • Via a Mobile Device -  by visiting the website ( and accessing the special mobile friendly features.

If you would like email reminders to make top-up payments please select the tick box to allow use your email address.

 Should you wish to discuss any issues please call the school kitchen directly on: 01582 490475 (after 11am).

*NB: Payments made to the the wrong account can not be transferred by our Kitchen Cashier.  Please ensure you select the correct option on your child's account to make payment.

  • Catering Warden Hill Junior School - Dinners
  • Trips and Events - payments to the school for trips, events and Care Club costs

Help with School Dinner Costs

Are you entitled to help with the cost of your child's dinner?  
If you think you may be and would like some support with the online application please contact the school. 
Click here to visit the free school meals page to find out more or start your online application.